Feng Shui Your Home This 2022

With 2022 now in full swing, it’s a perfect excuse to Feng Shui your home. 

Keep reading as we share tips you can implement, immediately!

An easy way to start is to consider the placement of your bed and desk.

Ensure you can see the door from both of these items whilst they’re in use - being mindful they shouldn’t be directly in line with the door either.

Here is our decorating tip #001 

Did you know adding vertical shapes and lines to your home represents growth and expansion? 

Here are some tips on how you can achieve this in your home! 

  • Add light that travels upwards.

  • An indoor plant with height.

  • Tall bookshelves.

The aim is to create the feeling of length! Plus, plants embody life and energy, adding a sense of freshness and vitality to your home.

Question To Think About... 

How often do you pick up your space? 

Reduce the clutter that is taking up your environment.

Decluttering entryways and benchtops is an easy way to make an area feel welcoming and inviting. Start to think about incorporating more plants and artwork into your home too - this will add character, without taking up all your floor space.

AdviceThe KH Studio